Pre shipment Inspection to 24/7 Cargo Loading Monitoring
From pre shipment inspection to 24/7 cargo loading monitoring, our team is available on the ground to ensure that our client receives on time and accurate reports on loading / discharging activities. A CITA inspector will be on site to verify that the vessel is fit to load and that there is no risk of cargo contamination.
Whether full attendance is required or spot inspection; we tailor our service to our customer needs to fit all budgets.

Laytime Calculations
Our laytime desk assist customers in reviewing the laytime calculations after a voyage completion.
The outsourcing allows our clients to remove this tedious administrative burden and focus on important day-to-day tasks instead.
Our contract clause optimization process will allow for future contract to further protect your interest.
We calculate laytime based on complex sales agreement and Charter Party terms with the objective to maximize demurrage/despatch for our principal.
CITA laytime team manages more than 300 laytime calculations per year from a wide range of ports and diversity of contracts.